Can You Unscramble These Tasty Treats?

Can You Unscramble These Tasty Treats?

Try uncovering the names of these desserts without clicking the link—use their ingredients as clues! Leave us a comment telling us how many you unscrambled but don’t look down at others’ answers!


Recipe clues: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

How many did you unscramble? Tell us below and if you like what someone else said, hit the “thumbs up” button on their comment! If you haven’t tried this new feature, you must!

 Excerpt Photo Source

So let me know how many you were able to do and if this was fun for you…I love a brain teaser and when it has to do with food it is even more fun for me.  Let me know how you feel.

Thank you for reading

Tammye Honey