Life is Peachy

She is a six year old that we have adopted into our family from our local shelter…she was not abandoned… She had to be given up by a very loving family who had to relocate for the United States Army overseas and she could not be processed in time to go with them. The owners made the shelter promise to find her a wonderful home.

Her adoption life did not quite go as well though…

1. Parent one said that she would not walk on a leash and brought her back after one night with bruised ribs a damaged front paw and several ticks which she has since had to be medicated for.

2. An elderly couple adopted her and that evening the wife had a stroke and was hospitalized.  The husband cried while returning her making the shelter promise to find her a wonderful home.

3. Here we are.  It was love at first sight as we walked in to look at what a cross between a jack russell and a chihuahua looked like…never did see the dog lol as it was in the puppy area and Peachy was in the main office.

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Which might explain why she loves my office so much…

She is doing quite well with our other dog Trina and now our other dog is so happy to no longer be alone…even the cats will walk up and kiss her it is so cute… She will allow me to take her picture.  When hubby comes near with his camera she will run and hide behind me and try to pretend she is not in the room lol…you can tell by the picture where she is at my lap…that was after about twenty attempts by his camera…

Poor fella and he thought that he was getting a new lap dog lol…in time perhaps…

Our prayer is that there is still family in the area who are able to see our posts that we have made on various websites regarding adopting older dogs with Peachy’s picture and that somehow the news will travel to that family across the sea to let them know that

LIFE IS PEACHY for their baby…finally

Thank you for viewing and I will keep you updated…

Tammye Honey